
How To Fix Action Figure Joints


Originally Posted by MESH View Post

Good day everyone,

One of the most constant issues with many figures is loose joints, they usually devalue the figures due to their affect on the figure itself. you Making the figure joints loose, it makes it very hard to pose the figure in any position, all you really end up with is a plastic doll which has no value what so ever in the action figure world.

So how do you handle this issue ?

Depends on the figure. So far for me, the majority that have had "floppy limb" syndrome or 'limbs like noodles' all had screws in them that needed tightening. Once they were tightened they went right back to normal.

On loose figures, it's usually best to sell as is, and let the buyer repair it how they see fit. Sometimes adding stuff like clear nail polish, or paint, or other stuff can devalue a figure too.

The only modern figures I've had an issue with floppiness on were the marvel 4'' ab torso on two figures in particular. And my solution to that is buying the version of the character that doesn't have the ab articulation. (Moon knight and vision being the two that were the floppiest, and thankfully both have versions without any ab articulation! And are also much better design versions too!) More often I've had the opposite problem of hindered movement from the design not being completely thorough, and that usually means sanding or trimming spots. Had to fix two figures in particular that had that issue. The MU Ultron mold cuts a little short on his sitting position(needed that for Doom 2099 on his throne so I trimmed the crotch armor and now he can sit perfectly and it's not even noticeable he was modded) and X-23's hip joint is angled oblong so it makes her legs difficult to pose or hold their pose(still need to sand that one down a little to fix it), with the legs wanting to return to and stay in normal standing position firmly.

How To Fix Action Figure Joints


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