Introduction: LIGNUM Motorcycle DIY

Do-it-yourself offers an alternative to faceless objects from the industriousness. When we get along DIourselves, we are not exclusively spectators and consumers.

We participate, we try to regai acknowledge-how, we get along as much as possible by ourselves and we leave the straightaway human race of buy out. The "lignum bike DIY" is an alternative to the industrial standardised wheel.

This work questions the limits of handcrafted kit and caboodle and asks:
Ass we create ourselves without industrialization an equivalent object to what we find in the market ? Is there a limit to self-construction ?

Step 1: Tell Pine Tree State World Health Organization You Are and I'll Tell You What Your Bike Is

We moldiness begin by identifying our needs to determine the characteristics of the bike we want.

In my case, I come to the conclusion that the character of pedal that best suits my use is the "urban" bike. It corresponds to a road bike close to the racing bike profile, with a even separate and without dampers. I also want a short bike, the lightest possible, quite nervous, with a drop behind rather smaller to own good maneuverability and a chainstay less than 420mm, so that it is easier to make ascents.

To guarantee fit and philosophical doctrine measurements according to your physionomy and the search criteria you need uncommon knowledge. Wishing to avoid errors ascribable my inexperience I chose to refer to dimensions that I know easily; that of my topical bike. Then, based on the proven feelings of comfort, experimenting and comparing my posture on other bikes, I made or s adjustments and improvements.

Stride 2: "Lignum" Forest in Latin

Some examples of wooden bicycles :

  • Wood.b (BSG bikes)
  • Fusion de Yojiro Oshima
  • Awkward motorcycle de Jan Gunneweg number 83...
  • Simonbike
    hypertext transfer protocol://

Information technology was clear for me to use woods equally building cloth.

From an artistic point of view, information technology is convenient and offers possibilities of free curved shapes and a wide choice of essences (texture, colors,...) which make it a very gripping physical to work.

Wood plagiarised from a natural and sustainable resource. It has many fascinating characteristics and structural qualities for a variety of uses and functions. It is strong, flexible, unimportant, leisurely to deal, easy to machine. The wood as wel has a long-lasting resistance to shocks if properly maintained over the time.

Its main strengths is the ability to work it manually by using simple tools that can represent easy found OR borrowed.

Step 3: A Scots heather's Handgrip for the Handlebars...

I opted for a positive method acting called sandwich-structured composite to stimulate the bike's frame.

This system makes it practical to make up a piece with uniform mechanical properties as a massive board and also has the great advantage of considerably reducing the weight (density of the material secondhand).

At the selfsame time resistant in bending and in compression, this system offers a high strength that its components severally bash not have.

This sandwich composite consists of a balsa core (really light and porous wood) caught between two skins of aviation birch plywood assembled with epoxy glue.

I then decided to cover the balsa with a layer of fiberglass and epoxy glue paste to avoid perforate marks and to rigidify the system.

Step 4: Now, Just Take a Pencil and a Piece of paper to Find the Design of Your Cycle.

Step 5: Shopping List

Step 6: Border

Step 7: Fully Amassed Frame

Step 8: Seatstay and Chainstay

Step 9: Fork

Step 10: Finishing Work

Pace 11: Ended Bike

Step 12: Conclusions

This design allowed me to test my capacities and my self-sufficiency against products matured and sold all finished on the market, to determine to use tools, to make manipulations (epoxy, collage) and particularly to be able to apply a priori knowledge about a tangible object.

Prior knowledge has been useful and necessary to carry out this project.

This project confirmed that you john bypass the "all made, ready to take" and create unique objects.

I understood what was reasonably assertable to do myself in a given time and using ordinary materials and tools.

In the case of bicycles, specialized parts (bearings, wheels, axles, ...) mark the limit of the DIY, requiring get laid-how and specific tools too big-ticket for a one-off piece of craft.

But higher up all the DIY is the opportunity to create a unique, personal and rewarding physical object.


The succes of this project would'nt rich person been possible without the encouragements and support of Philippe Spahni, advice and assistance of St. Peter Gallinelli, Stéphane Voeffray and all the the great unwashe I talked to, who divided up their knowhow and who helped me, especially Bosbikes, Péclot 13 and Corabois.

Clause in Le Cahier Genevois (Pro Vélo) by Claude Marthaler, Whitethorn 2022, follow this link up

« A fag out-d'elles ; femme, vélo et liberté » by Claude Marthaler, Slatkine edition, 2022

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