
How Much Money Does It Cost To Hire A Personal Chef

Personal Chef Cost

The boilerplate cost to hire a personal chef is between $30 to $40 per hr. The price to hire a private chef for a dinner political party will cost about $45 per person, on average. The price of a individual chef can quickly go upwardly to $100 per person, or more than, if you lot use expensive food or take add together-ons for your party, such as wine pairings. You can wait to pay $100 to $400 for a personal chef to ready six entrees, depending on what you want on the menu.

Personal Chef Cost Chart

Personal Chef Cost
National Boilerplate Cost $250
Minimum Cost $180
Maximum Toll $750
Average Range $100 to $400

Personal chefs are more-affordable than private chefs, mainly because they generally prepare meals in advance to cater to the needs of several clients in their expanse. A private chef, on the other hand, has a fixed annual salary because they piece of work primarily for one client full-time. The average cost of a personal chef is about the same as the price of dining out in your neighborhood. It can often be cheaper depending on your menu.

Table Of Contents

Personal Chef Cost Per Hour

Some chefs prefer to charge past the hour rather than by the plate. The average personal chef cost is $30-forty per hour, but it does vary considerably based on your location. These costs typically include meal planning, shopping, and food preparation.

Some personal chefs will charge extra if they accept to drive outside of their usual area of service to cook for you. If and then, inquire them if they accuse a fixed fee per additional mile that they travel. They might charge past the actress travel fourth dimension spent to summate your total costs instead.

Toll Of Individual Chef For Dinner Party

The estimated national average cost for a personal chef to make a three-grade meal for near 10 people total at your dinner party is around $45 per person. However, it can easily increment to $100 per person or more if yous use specialty ingredients.

If you're hiring a chef to cater for a special event, and so the pricing plans are slightly different considering they will spend more time to serve the food and present it well. You will need to discuss how many courses you want and decide exactly how many people y'all plan to serve. Then you can select a proposed meal program from your chef, and they can requite you lot a price estimate based on all this data.

Table Of Food Prepared By Personal Chef

How Much Does A Private Chef Price Per Week?

If you compare personal-chef services throughout the United states of america, the boilerplate cost of hiring one to make almost six unlike small-scale-family unit entrees can be anywhere between $100 to $400. The median chef price is around $200. Of course, large urban cities with higher food costs and more than-experienced chefs will significantly affect the cost.

If you sign up for a regular meal-service plan, and then you tin can sometimes pay a flat monthly fee instead.

Personal Chef Cost Per Year

At an average cost of $35 per meal for a family of 4, to rent a personal chef for a twelvemonth you tin wait to pay between $12,775 to $25,550 for simply cooking dinner. Hiring a individual chef will toll yous $1,065 to $ii,129 per month.

What Does A Personal Chef Do?

Hiring a personal chef supplies yous with tastier nutrient, a healthier diet and more than gratuitous time. In some cases, information technology can fifty-fifty reduce your repast expenses too. Here's how it works:

Personal Chef Menu Planning

First, your personal chef will create a customized carte just for you. Most personal chefs offer an initial consultation and so that y'all can sit down and discuss your tastes and dietary needs. An experienced chef will have no problem catering to people on a dairy-free diet, gluten-free nutrition, Paleolithic or "paleo" diet or ketogenic nutrition.

A personal chef is helpful if you have food allergies, demand depression-sugar diets for diabetics, or if you prefer vegan, vegetarian or Kosher meals. They'll be happy to create delicious meals that you can look forwards to and then that you tin quickly eat salubrious without all the stress of nutrient training.

Personal Food Shopping

Second, your chef also serves as your personal food shopper. Having your chef shop for you has many benefits. For example, they know precisely how much ingredients to buy to set the meals you need. In many cases, they actually save you coin while shopping because they won't overspend.

Also, the chef has splendid connections with local farmers' markets and the best nutrient vendors in your area. That means they'll be selecting the freshest, most nutritious ingredients available so that your meals volition taste far better than highly processed fast nutrient. Plus, if yous've run out of some bones kitchen staples similar milk, and so they'll pick it up for y'all to save you an extra trip to the supermarket. With a personal chef doing all the cooking, you may never need to go grocery shopping once again.

Cooking and Meal Prep

Later on they pick up your groceries, your personal chef delivers them to you at home and starts cooking. To work most efficiently, nearly personal chefs gear up all your meals in your kitchen. Some larger chef services may take a policy of preparing all their meals at their company headquarters and and so delivering them to you afterwards. After they arrive, it can take a personal chef about 4 to 5 hours total to prepare upwardly to five meals for one family unit. Some chefs are happy to chat with you while they cook, which can be a welcoming visit, especially for senior citizens who live alone.

Healthy Meal Prep Packed For Storage

Package Your Meals

Next, they package the nutrient nicely and store it in your refrigerator or freezer. All you take to do is rut the food up, and you're ready to go. You can also request them to make salads for y'all or snacks like granola and freshly broiled fries.

Clean The Kitchen

Most chefs will likewise clean your kitchen before they go. Many personal chefs accept pride in leaving you with a make clean kitchen so you won't take to worry about cleaning upwardly after them at all. Exist certain you lot talk over this item with the personal chef before yous hire them to ensure there are no miscommunications.

Meal Plan For The Next Week

Before they become, a personal chef may talk over what you'd like for your adjacent calendar week of meals or your next repast delivery. Some chefs adopt to accept these conversations in person, and others may prefer to stay in touch with you lot about meal plans over the phone. They may email your meal plans to you lot so that you can have a look at them and make changes if necessary.

You tin schedule your personal chef to come up at any fourth dimension that fits best with your schedule. For some people, it's enough to accept their chef come over once a calendar week and prepare almost of the meals for that week. If you just have busy events on certain weekends, and then you lot could schedule your chef accordingly to cover the meals for your busiest weekends.

It'due south a expert idea to be clear about your grocery upkeep. Many people volition discover that having a personal chef shop for them is a lot cheaper than eating out. If yous want a lot of meals with specialty ingredients, and so you should expect to pay a footling bit more. Also remember that eating more seasonal, locally grown foods can save you money on groceries in the long run. Enquire your personal chef if they charge a fixed rate per plate according to your meal plan or if their rate depends more on fourth dimension spent preparing the meals.

Additional Personal Chef Rates

Especially when hosting a individual party, these are the extra costs you should set up yourself for when hiring a personal chef:

Vino pairings

Most popular chefs will gladly recommend ideal wine pairings for your repast upon request. If your personal chef has all-encompassing cognition of wines, similar a sommelier, then you can invite them to build a menu that pairs perfectly with your favorite wine flavors. If they as well have a liquor license, and so they tin purchase the best wines for you. A personal chef without a liquor license cannot legally resell whatever alcoholic beverages to yous, which requires yous to arrange the buy of the wine yourself.

Wine Pairing With Cheese And Charcuterie

Extra staff

Always communicate clearly to your chef how many total guests you lot've invited. It's mutual for the chef to bring in boosted support staff such every bit a server and a sous chef to cater to the needs of larger parties of effectually 14 people, which can toll $250 per server.


Nada completes the total presentation of your meal like the right dinnerware. To brand the best possible impression on your guests at a special dinner, it's ideal to take a nice set of tableware, glassware, and cutlery. A personal chef may rent their dishwater from local event companies, or they may even supply a set of their ain fine china to your dinner for a nominal fee.

Kitchen setup

It's very common for personal chefs to bring along their own cooking equipment, so yous by and large don't have to worry virtually whether you have all the correct tools in your kitchen. If yous have a larger kitchen with lots of cooking tools and you prefer your chef to use your equipment, then retrieve to discuss that ahead of time.

Prep time

Creating a three-course repast tin take upwardly to five hours when a private chef is catering an event. Prepping four family dinners can take four to five hours as well.


Information technology'southward a common industry standard for about personal chefs to clean your kitchen when they've finished preparing your meals. Still, it's best to always confirm this before hiring your chef so that all of your expectations are clear earlier they begin. Otherwise, they could charge you a cheaper charge per unit because they thought you lot were arranging the cleanup yourself.

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