
How To Make Money From Google Analytics

Have yous ever searched for something like "la la lala la song" on Google and voilá:

You finally have the lyrics to the song that was stuck in your mind for the whole day!

That is the magic of Google, a search engine that we all know and beloved.

Information technology is definitely i of the most helpful products invented in the last 20 years.

If a question can be answered, then Google will know the answer in less than 0.0002 seconds.

It'southward even more amazing that this search power is offered to customers for "free".

Today, nosotros volition cover how Google makes money despite offer most of its products at no toll.

If you are not paying for it, you lot're not the customer; you're the production being sold.


If yous e'er wondered how Google is making their profits more than in detail, keep reading considering I volition dig deep into the subject.

Note that throughout the article I'one thousand using Google and Alphabet interchangeably.

Acquirement Numbers

When information technology comes to acquirement, Google is a behemoth.

It is considered to be among the Big 4 technology companies along with Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Netflix (FAANG).

Google's parent company Alphabet is the fourth on Forbes' Height 100 Digital Companies, and it is a trillion-dollar visitor.

and then, how much money did Google make last year?

Google made $110B in 2017, $130B in 2018 and will likely study $148B in 2019.

Statistic: Revenue of Google from 1st quarter 2008 to 3rd quarter 2019 (in million U.S. dollars) | Statista

Allow's explore the Google products that brought such impressive revenue:

The tiptop revenue makers for Google:

  1.         Google Ads
  2.         Google AdSense
  3.         Google Analytics
  4.         Google Pay
  5.         Other Acquirement

Ads are used to brand profits in many of today's social media channels, search engines, games, etc.

Google uses them in Google Search, Admob (mobile app ads), and the GDN Google Display Network.

How does Google Ads (Google AdWords) make money?

Google rebranded its advertising feature that used to be called Google AdWords into Google Ads, and information technology is one of their principal channels of turn a profit. Google Ads is one of the features that actually is responsible for the majority of Google'south profits, more than 80% since it is so widely used.

And that really makes sense because it is fairly important for any person or visitor to advertise something on the biggest search engine platform in the earth.

It is making sure that plenty of people will see what you're trying to sell, and you can literally filter out the people that you desire to see your ads by many categories.

How does it piece of work?

When you go on Google and search for anything at all, yous are presented with a list of search results that are generated by very circuitous algorithms that Google uses (such as Rankbrain).

The results that y'all see are the attempt of the algorithms to nowadays y'all with the information that might be the most relevant to whatever it is that you typed.

Another question is, how does Google know what is relevant to your search and what is not? Enter the world of SEO!

Google makes predictions on what's relevant using a machine learning algorithm that analyses every single input.

My data, your data, everybody else's data is what helps this algorithm to predict what is relevant very easily.

An example of this is:

  1. I search for something and I get 10 results on the first folio of Google and I immediately click the tertiary i (because somehow that one is the about relevant to me).
  2. Google's algorithms accept notice that the majority of people click the third result
  3. The algorithm learns that the tertiary option is relevant for many people hence it should be moved upwardly
2 12 pogo stick effect 4

Related: Learn how to better your SEO

If you practise a Google search, you will observe that y'all will besides be presented with suggestions from Google Ads advertisers.

google ads on results

These advertisements get in beyond merely search engine.

Ads might testify upwardly on your screen while you're using Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, or any other Google sites are results of companies and people advertising through Google Ads.

google maps ads

The point is that non everybody will see the aforementioned ads, simply they will be personalized through many filters similar age, gender, location, interests, etc. Since Google'southward audience base is then large, they tin segment it pretty well.

And this is why Google is so successful in advertising.

What good would it be to advertise a new electric motorcar model to my grandpa? But if you advertise it to xxx-60-year-olds with stiff fiscal condition, the advertizing will work. At least more than it would in the get-go scenario.

Ad auctions

But which ad you lot're going to see if there are twenty companies that desire to advertise to you in the same manufacture? The reply is that they bid each other out through an ad auction. The ads that are with college bids are shown to more people, and those that have lower bids are shown less.


Google charges advertisers in 2 means.

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One is on a cost-per-click basis. That means that you pay every time someone clicks on your ad.

The other one is on a toll-per-mille (or pay for m impressions). That means that you pay every fourth dimension someone sees your ad, regardless if they click or not.

How does Google AdSense make money?

Some other source of acquirement for Google is its Google AdSense service which is similar to Google Ads but instead of displaying ads on Google's services, it displays ads on other sites. It is oriented towards publishers (website owners) that can earn out of their platforms past allowing ads to target their visitors.

How does information technology piece of work?

The mode this works is Google'due south algorithms analyze your blog and note what type of content you lot produce.

Then, according to that, it chooses certain ads that are relevant to your site. You tin choose the location on which Google tin postal service ads, and change information technology over time.

For instance, yous can notice that I have added advert units throughout my site using Adsense.

ad units

When your visitors click on those ads, you lot receive a pct of the revenue (68% to be exact), and of course, Google takes the remainder of it (32%).

The feature that works on mobile apps is chosen Google AdMob.

The ads that will go upward on your website are not only called past the relevance and the keywords. The advertisers, once again hither, bid to place their ads on your site in real-time. Those that are highest paying will be the ones to show on your site.

How does Google Analytics brand coin?

Google Analytics is a tool that helps yous clarify the metrics connected to your website and gives you lots of information that you can use to base your business concern decisions on.

It was invented in 2006 and has since empowered webmasters to make more data-driven decisions about their sites.

In that location are many, many possibilities with this gratuitous tool, however, the about commonly known are:

  • Tracking the number of website visits
  • Tracking the duration of those visits
  • Tracking the sources of the visits
  • Tracking which pages exactly they landed on, visited, etc.
  • Used keywords (yous can likewise use Google Search Console)
  • Preferred sections of the visitors
  • Types of devices visitors come from

How does information technology work?

The tool tracks all the traffic on your website, blog or social network, and gives yous reports that you can customize depending on which metrics you find the most useful.

By calculation a few lines JavaScript code to the <caput> tag, Google collects information recording all the visits of the users.

global site tag

Afterwards collecting, Google Analytics has a quite circuitous data processing procedure of transforming the raw info into knowledge that you can act on.

Then, once you lot take this information you can employ filters to the data, make groups, specify time frames, etc. and the data from the database will be processed and shown to you lot in the style you need it.

All this data on how many visitors does the page have, where exercise they come from, how much time on boilerplate practice they spend on the folio, what were they interested in the most, is what makes this tool one literally the standard in the manufacture.

The best matter about Google Analytics is that it is compatible with the other tools of Google like Ads, AdWords, Blogger, YouTube, etc.

The tool is released equally a free tool, just because it is supported with neat AdWords integration which is tightly related to increasing money for ads.

For case, if you see the results of your AdWords service on your Google Analytics reports you will know that it works and by how much and you will be motivated to spend even more on advertising in the first place.

Google also offers a paid enterprise version of GA chosen Google Analytics 360, which starts at $150,000/year.

How does Google Pay make money?

google pay

Google Pay is some other service that brings Google some revenue.

In the past, this service changed its proper name a few times; information technology was chosen Google Wallet, and before that Google Checkout.

The signal of Google Pay is simple- to make purchases easier for the sellers and for the buyers.

The consumers can create a gratis and simple Google Pay account where they input their payment information. This data is kept in a secure database.

You can use Google Pay to make basically whatsoever time of online payments. You can purchase clothes, food, apps, pay in stores, and even send coin to somebody.

How does it work?

Information technology works fairly easily. In stores that support Google Pay, you lot just demand to unlock your device and concur it over the terminal until it's through. (like with Apple Pay!)

Tin it be simpler than that? Yous don't fifty-fifty have to open the Google Pay app at all.

When information technology comes to online purchases, you only need to expect for a Google Pay icon and printing information technology. Easy likewise.

Now, the Google Pay concern model is made in that style that Google does not brand significant revenue straight from it, however, it is a function of the Google ecosystem and it has huge opportunities for revenue in the future. (For instance, using your purchasing history to recommend you related products through ads)

That is how Google, on the scale that they are, operate. They did this previously with Google Maps and Google Suite.

They can afford to develop a service or a characteristic for many years for gratuitous, acquire hundreds of millions of users, and so collect on in later it is established.

Other Revenues

Besides all these well-known ways in which Google makes money, they also have other projects and sources of acquirement.

Some of the things that are into this other revenue are Play Store, Android, Google Apps, the Google Deject platform, etc.

We all know and use these services, and they are non even detailed in their financial 10-Q reports.


Self-driving company Waymo was started out of Google'due south Ten (its development facility for "moonshot" projects)

Information technology is a fully cocky-driving service that is expected to become even bigger in the time to come. Other offline projects under the Ten Evolution facility include Google Drinking glass which didn't actually accident up, projection Loon, project Wing, etc.

Google Maps

In the third quarter of 2019, Alphabet properties/websites made more than seventy% of the company'south revenue. These include, YouTube, Gmail, Google Play, Google Finance, and Google Maps.

Google Maps also earns money from partnering upwards with companies that benefit from navigation or tracking like ride-sharing companies, trucking companies, etc. Specifically, Uber/Lyft pays Google to apply its maps when routing drivers around the urban center.

Google Business organization

We can't leave out Google My Business of this chat. Equally I previously mentioned, Google is used to building their products a long time before monetizing off of them.

The same goes for Google my business which is a characteristic of pinpointing the location of your business organisation, where yous can present your products, new offers, etc. Information technology looks similar in the future, they will try to monetize off of this.

Google Drive

G-suite also has a portion in Google'southward acquirement. G-suite is the deject platform that includes Google Docs, Google Drive, Sheets, Slides, Forms, etc.

You tin can pay to have an upgraded version. More team possibilities are bachelor similar shared Hangouts, shared calendar, etc, or more drive infinite and other advantages for a monthly fee.

Google Interpret

Another well-known service is Google interpret. It surely helps with the globe's communication. Even though the version that we use on the spider web is costless, the feature can be used by other applications which load the translations via API calls.


Today, ii.5B devices utilise Android.

The super pop OS is a great indirect acquirement maker for Alphabet.

With Android, Google learns your mobile usage patterns, can pre-install Google Chrome for your search habits and sell you apps through its Play Shop.

Oracle estimated Google made $31B from Android since 2008.


Google makes a ton of products I honey and utilise daily.

From search to Youtube to Adsense, Google definitely has a corking grip into our daily lives.

This competitive reward comes from its power to invest heavily into creating great products without the need to monetize right abroad.

Google is one of the pinnacle 4 digital companies in the world for a reason.

They are not agape to take risks when information technology comes to this, and at this point, they totally have the power to experiment and attempt to predict what the future will bring.

If you lot liked reading nearly how Google makes money, check out how other social platforms do information technology too:

  • How does Snapchat make coin?
  • How does Instagram make coin?
  • How does Facebook make coin?

Leave a comment suggesting another company that you would similar me to cover in the next post!


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